Monday, November 7, 2011

What do you want to do in your life?

You will get asked this question hundreds of times in your life, and your answer will always change. In the past I have wanted to be: a princess, a mommy, a spy, police woman, CSI agent, a chef, a writer, and a forensic anthropologist. I have found my calling engineering. When I grow up I want to be a chemical engineer; there will always be problems in the world that need to be solved (definition of engineering). So I joined my schools engineering team, today we had a meeting to figure out our team's name for the FIRST competition. We will be Spectrum! It took us 2 hours to come up with that. I have never appreciated the creators of a business as much as I do today. People probably thought the name Apple was insane the first time they heard it. This was our issue, we had names like: Terra-bot, Team Rollout, Pangia, Kitty Litter, Speed Racist, WE= M.C. hammer ^2, i^2: we just got real, Fusion. These all sound crazy but when you look at the names of the other teams like: MOE, Cheesy Poofs, Disco-bots, Cyberwolves; we will fit in. Our theme is going to be black lights, glow-in-the-dark, and color changing objects. I can't wait until FIRST season kick-off! This will be a long stressful journey. 
                                         Michaela Lydon

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