Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Joys of Being a Cat Lover

My family owns 4 cats: Kali, Ned, Tiger Lily, and Oliver, they were all rescued. Oliver the youngest and most recent addition to our family came to us about a year ago when my older sister, different sister than the one in the earlier post, volunteered at an animal shelter. He came in as a feral little kitten who only liked women. He would sit on my sister's lap when she would type on the computer, they became attached. She tried her hardest to make him social and able to adopt, but when the summer ended and she was ready to go back to school he was still not adoptable. He was to be put asleep. On the morning of her last day volunteering she came crying to our parents, who are strong animal lovers, to allow her to adopt this little kitten. She was so upset that my parents made a deal with her, at the end of summer she would get him back. It is now a year and a half later and Oliver is now my cat, he became attached to me and my sister did not want to cause him stress. He is my best friend, he comforts me when I cry, keeps me warm at night, and never lets me be bored. I swear he thinks he is a dog because he fetches little mice toys and hair-ties. He does wake me up at night wanting to play fetch but I deal with it because I know he loves me. For the last week he has been throwing up everywhere! (No this story does not get sad; he is alive and is laying next to me sleeping) I have woken up twice because he has thrown up in my bed, last night for instance. I have stepped in puke more times than I want to admit. My friends find it funny when I text them saying that I will be late because my cat won't stop throwing up everywhere, he gets scared and runs. We are not sure what is wrong with him but are keeping a close eye on him. This has been my life.
                                   Michaela Lydon
we are the unidentified ._.

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